If At First You Don't Succeed,,,
Brace yourselves, this may come as quite a shock. Not everything I make turns out great. You have no idea the stuff I make that no one ever sees because I am not happy with the results. For example, I was looking for dessert recipes that would serve two people. Recipes for one don't exist. I found one for Peanut-Butter Cheesecakes and they were cooked in a muffin pan. I thought this would be great and I was really excited as I started this project. The first batch of baked crusts with the peanut butter cups in place. The filling barely covered the peanut-butter cups. These came out pretty dry. I wound up throwing most of them away. I decided to make my own sourdough bread for lunches. When I got up the next morning I found that my starter had overflowed the jar and was like something out of a grade b horror film. What a mess! I later tried again using a bigger jar but then the dough wouldn't rise. So much for that idea. Since I still had some cream cheese I decided to t...