Things I Will Not Miss, and Some I Will

As my days in this quaint little hamlet of maybe 5,000 people winds down I take a look back at things I will definitely NOT miss about the area and some that I will long for after I am back in Florida.

What I will not miss is,,Snow,

And more snow,

And yes, even more damn snow. Three snow falls in a 10 day period in February. This last one was the worst. I actually had to get out and shovel the front walk and driveway. Thankfully a neighbor came to help with the driveway.

There is a mason jar candle in there some where.

This last snowfall was lovely, as long as I was inside. My poor girls had to go out in this. Looking out the front door you can see why I had to shovel the front walk.

But, thankfully, I do not live in Siberia and winter does eventually come to an end. The days get longer and warmer, and the weeds take off with a massive growth spurt. But the Daffodils come up. Micheal had planted lots of them around the house. I wlll miss being able to go out and cut bouquets of fresh flowers for the house.

I also add a few Forsythia branches for more color. It would be hard to grow Daffodils living in an apartment, plus I don't think the winters are long enough nor cold enough in Florida.

Peach blossoms. This is the little tree on the back deck. As I write this the entire orchard is on the verge of blooming. Of course this is just in time for some 20 degree temperatures over the weekend.

Other things I will miss are fantastic neighbors like Randy, my pastor and shooting buddy. He is also a great handyman and furniture repairer. His wife, Angela who runs a great taxi service and is a good friend. Their daughter Megan with whom I can talk about recipes that some fine tuning. And of course, Sherrie, my next door neighbor. She and I have done some serious male bashing on occasion.

I will also miss being able to open the front door and let the girls run. I'm going to have to find a nice dog park to take them to. The girls will miss being able to run and they will really miss Abbie, Sherrie's black lab mix with whom they romp and play. I know they will make new friends at the dog park but it always hard to leave friends behind. That is a fact I know all too well, having just done it in June of 2013.

Life goes on and I will continue on this new path that God has laid out for me. Getting rather excited about what lies ahead.


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