A Sunday Outing
A few years ago, maybe more like a lifetime or two ago, when I lived in the mountains of western North Carolina we would spend our summers getting ready for the coming winter. We would work getting firewood cut, split and stacked, We made sure the family room and master bedroom had large stacks of firewood that would dry out as the summer progressed. We took down trees damaged by the winter storms and cut them into lengths to season for the next year. By Labor Day we were harvesting and canning the bounty from our garden, all the while knowing that by mid-September we would have a killing frost and by October the first snow fall would arrive. Now that I live in Florida and in an apartment there is no gardening, no preparing for the long and often snowy winter to come. Instead, I am trying to get as much outside stuff done as possible before the oppressive heat and humidity of the Florida summer sets in and I will loathe the thought of walking the girls. For the second and third tim...