Oakdale Street Lights

While down in St. Petersburg, Nan had heard about this light display so we headed off to see it one night.

They put up 1/2 million lights. The Tampa Bay Times says "It defies belief". The Tampa Tribune says its "the biggest" This display made HGTV's All Out Christmas and came in at #3. HSN rated it one of the best in the US. It has also been featured on The Today Show and in People magazine. It takes them 3 months to get it all set up. They ask for donations to help cover the $6,400 light bill they have to pay.

Enjoy the show and remember you can double-click on any photo for a better view of it.

Teddy bears. Lots of teddy bears.

Looking up at the TV antennae on top of the building.


Train display, rather 1/2 of the train display.

Shivering snowman.

The lower signs list all or at least most religions, and they point different directions. The sign running vertically reads "Jesus said I am The Way" and it points toward heaven.


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